FOTO: © Raphael Schaller via Unsplash

Infrarot Opening Night

Das sagt der/die Veranstalter:in:

Established in 2024 with a passion for Trance, Hardgroove, and the raw power of Techno, the INFRAROT event series promises to turn the night into day, much like the vivid scope of an infrared lens.

With a strong emphasis on cutting-edge light and sound technology, INFRAROT ensures an immersive experience, whether the club is big or small.

The belief that music is a universal language resonates throughout our events, completely excluding any dress codes or the like!

Our stages and dance floors are made for anyone who feels the music as passionately as we do, inviting all to revel in vibrant energy. Join us for the night, but prepare for the heat!

Teilnahmebedingungen für Gewinnspiele


R25 Kulturschlachthof Rather Straße 25 40476 Düsseldorf

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