Buffon and Absurd - Workshop with Gonzalo Rodolico

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Workshop is in easy english.

An introduction to grotesque theatre

The students will connect with their more grotesque side, distancing themselves from common and superficial places. A territory where theater originates from the depths that forge the most honest identity of the artist. The work will be approached through two axes: Intellect and Mystery.

Speaking of the buffoon, we are talking about a being marginalized by society, initially due to their physical condition (hunchbacks, dwarves, crippled, etc.). They lived in families with their own rules and in complete autarchy amidst nature (Mystery). As a counterpart, each kingdom had its own buffoon separated from their family. Their job was to amuse the king (the audience). However, through laughter, they spoke the harshest truths, mocking society, those present, and even the king (Intellect). It can be said, therefore, that the buffoon only cares about their own pleasure and enjoyment (a vital tool for the performing artist). They feel no pity for themselves or others. Their morals do not adhere to standards imposed.


Workshops sind unabhängig voneinander buchbar EIN Workshop: 99,90 Euro / 79,90 Euro (ermäßigt*) Beide Workshops with Gonzalo Rodolico: 189,90 Euro / 139,90 Euro (ermäßigt*) *Der ermäßigte Beitrag gilt für Azubis, Student:innen und Köln-Pass-Inhaber:innen, sowie Menschen mit finanziellen Engpässen.


Impro Köln / Studio A Aachener Straße 65 50674 Köln

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